Friday, September 2, 2011

A Different Preview

142 hours without power and counting.

I'm currently sitting in McAlister's Deli (no, McAlister's shouldn't have 2 L's. I like to think it's only for A-listers such as myself), and I have no desire to try to put together a coherent post that has anything to do with the Phillies. What I am doing, though, is giving you guys a warning.

For the next Male Bag, which may occur earlier than they normally do this month, I am going to be asking the questions. Once we get power back, I will turn on a Phillies game with little knowledge of the previous (number TBD) games. So, for my next real post, I am basically going to give you guys a list of questions and rely on all of you to answer them and come up with the next bizarro-Male Bag. Feel free to email me (, text me, facebook me, tweet me (@PhilsHighHopes), call me, or whatever method you so choose to answer them. If necessary, I will include multiple answers per question in the eventual Male Bag that I write from your responses. If necessary, I will also start tracking people down to answer my questions. Yes, that means you.

I truly apologize for being out of commission this long. It may seem like it's out of my control, but it actually is my fault for talking so much crap on Irene last weekend. I didn't think she was all that tough. Boy is my face red.

A quick preview of the weekend series:

We play the Marlins. We should win.

(Power outages bite. Hard.)

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